Nottingham University Hospitals benefit from Beffective Support

Original research by Duncan Orme and Colin Campbell

How Leadership Training Saves Money “Service Line Leadership ” at Nottingham University Hospitals

New findings The evidence presented demonstrates that this leadership programme improved financial performance through increased participant confidence, leading to improved individual and team performance. Observations confirm that margins were maximised by clinicians when provided with granular understanding of costs and training in leadership. Limitations of the study and methodology are discussed.

Background/aim The ‘Service Line Leadership’ programme was developed at Nottingham University Hospitals National Health Service Trust to support financial recovery, through leadership skills and improved understanding of cost. Over 3 years, the programme attracted 425 participants (69 consultants). This retrospective study quantifies the impact of the programme and how it influenced leaders.

Methods The five measures used were: (1) evaluation of the financial return on investment, (2) analysis of the mean differences between 360° psychometric assessment scores before and after the programme, (3) a survey utilising a focused interview and a follow-up questionnaire, (4) a post-programme questionnaire examining skills acquired and (5) a workshop evaluation using a net promoter score.

Results Savings of £3.3 million were identified through the delivery of 11 separate initiatives. Quality improvements were observed. Participants were found to have changed their leadership behaviours through improved communication of trust, leading to empowerment, confidence to challenge perceptions and being mindful of others. New techniques were acquired giving rise to increased confidence in personal leadership.

Conclusion The return on investment based on projects of leaders employing the techniques from the programme, demonstrated a positive impact on the business model of the hospital.

Clinicians when provided with meaningful granular information and leadership training can maximise financial performance”

This is the conclusion of the NUH findings published in the BMJ Leader by Duncan Orme, Operational Director of Finance and Procurement.

Read the full research on BMJ Leader here.

Beffective partner with HFMA

Beffective are happy to announce that they have been chosen as the partner for the HFMA/Future Focussed Finance EVO (Engagement, Value, Outcome) pilot program.

EVO facilitates the engagement of a multidisciplinary team in the understanding and use of patient-level information and costs, and its relationship to value in healthcare. The ultimate purpose being to achieve the best outcome for the patient within the resources available.

HFMA’s Healthcare Costing for Value Institute and Future Focused Finance are partnering  with effective to deliver a new framework for NHS provider trusts. Our trained facilitators will work with a core group of individuals at specialty/service level over the course of a few months.

The aim is to improve NHS professionals’ understanding of patient-level information and costing (PLICS) data, so that they start using it on a regular basis to support improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of how patient care is delivered.